Booklet, Lead Magnet and Guide Copywriting

Soft-sell to customers who value everything you offer.

  • Sheba Cat Food: Free eBook

    Project: This spec ad is a guide to cat ownership. It’s a lead magnet to get more email subscribers. The target audience is new cat owners who search online for resources and how-to’s.

    Strategy: The copy is within Sheba’s distinct brand voice and provides numerous tips. A coupon is strategically included so owners are reminded to buy Sheba when looking over the summary checklist.

  • PrescribeWell SaaS: B2B Lead Magnet

    Project: I was tasked with creating a whitepaper targeted to doctors and healthcare clinic owners.

    Strategy: I helped with topic creation and benefit-driven copywriting to logically highlight that this software has everything clients need to be successful.

  • Laura Posada: Menopause eBook

    Project: I was tasked with creating an eBook that could be purchased by the target audience. My client wanted the tone to be in her unique voice.

    Strategy: Along with debunking taboo topics, I added various ways to make the writing sound exactly like the client’s voice. The content is easily digestible to keep the reading light and easy.


Direct Mail Pieces


Signage and Promo