Scoop Out the BS in Your About Page

If it’s about you, you’re doing it wrong.

Does your “About Me” page have some of the common pitfalls (BS)? Figure out if you’re guilty of a subpar “About” page and learn how to change it!

At first glance, an “About Me” page or “About the Company” page seems pretty straightforward. Many business owners write it themselves. Because after all, who knows more about you than you?

Unfortunately, writing your About page without a conversion strategy is a missed opportunity for more business.

In this post, I’ll help you cut out the BS in your About page. You’ll learn how to transform one little webpage into a conversion heavy hitter that convinces customers to choose you.

What Kinds of BS Are We Talking About?

You may be surprised by what is considered About page “BS.” The following lines in your About page serve as fluff without real purpose.

About Page Lines that Stink

Are you guilty of using these lines in your About page? Let’s explore why they stink so you can improve the copy later on:

  • I’m dedicated to customer satisfaction: So is every other business out there. This line doesn’t help your case since all of your competitors will say something similar.

  • We provide a high-quality service: Anyone can say that. Plus, how do we really define high-quality? It’s more of a buzz word.

  • I graduated from ABC University in 1998: Not very helpful. Something you completed decades ago doesn’t really speak for your company today.

  • We’re dedicated to providing you a premium service: What does that even mean? Not only is premium a buzz word, you’d have to compare your services in some way to your competitors.

  • I’ve been doing XYZ since I was 12 years old: Clients don’t care about anything you were doing at 12. Even activities in college are a bit juvenile for the business world.

How to Quickly Clean Up Your About Page

If you delete all the BS lines above from your About page - and you’re left with nothing - it’s time to rewrite it completely.

Think of this page as a branding opportunity to build trust. A site visitor should come to your website and check out your About page to solidify their choice in hiring or buying from you.

The best way to write an About page is to not think about yourself at all.

Think about your customers. What do they want to hear? What makes you memorable to them? How can you differentiate your brand to a client who has been sifting through several competitor sites?

About Page Elements for Squeaky Clean Conversions

Everyone’s About page will be individualized, so it’s hard for me to nail down exact language in this post. However, every awesome, marketing-minded About page needs these elements:

  • All the benefits: Every piece of copy should relay the benefits to your customers. When it comes to your About page, include deep benefits that are tied to emotion and transformation.

  • Unique selling prop (USP): Let’s emphasize “unique.” Find the one thing that truly distinguishes you from the rest of the crowd. I see so many businesses state a USP that is, in fact, not unique. If you have to, visit your competitors’ sites to make sure you’re not saying the same thing!

  • The real real: Don’t be afraid to get a little real, especially if you’re a solopreneur. Tell them about the night you realized you’d be sleeping in your car, struggling to figure out what to tell your kids if they asked why they weren’t going home that night. Don’t pretend everything is perfect with you.

Just by doing these three things, your About page can be a reliable way to build trust, and thus business, for your brand.

Amanda Kostro Miller

Amanda Kostro Miller is a copywriter and SEO content marketing writer with a track record of generating 7-figure sales and 200%+ KPI improvements for her clients. She has been writing professionally since 2017, starting in health and wellness but soon transitioning into B2B, DTC, ecommerce, SaaS, dental and more. She now focuses her work as a direct response copywriter and is also an SEO writing coach who teaches aspiring writers about expert SEO tactics.

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