Filthy Rich Writer Review
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What to know before you join this… popular copywriting course.
Yes, Filthy Rich Writer’s ads and content are very compelling, so no wonder you’re intrigued to check them out.
They have a completely free training video, so sign up here if you’re interested!
Within 5 months of taking their course, my personal income increased by 520%.
I profited $200 with my first copywriting client. But they don’t guarantee success.
Wondering if the Filthy Rich Writer copywriting course is a get rich quick scheme? I was super skeptical. That’s why I made this Filthy Rich Writer review. (You need to know a few things before joining.)
First, why the heck are they called Filthy Rich Writer if it’s not a scam?! I took the whole course, and here’s what happened…
I Was Hooked by the Free Writer Training Video
Here’s what got me: They mentioned how copywriters can make $10K per month.
So, I clicked the ad and signed up for Filthy Rich Writer’s free video. I told myself I would NOT buy anything. I’d just steal free information. I’m not one to be swayed.
The video title? “How to Land Freelance Writing Work without Wasting Time on Frustrating Job-Bidding Sites and Cold-Calling Strangers”
I didn’t want cheap jobs, and I definitely don’t call people! I was half-listening while watching TV. But then, I felt like Nicki was talking directly to me:
Yes, I want to make a living as a writer
Yes, I need steady writing jobs
Yes, working for big companies is cool
Yes, working for myself = goals
Yes, make money in my PJs
But, having a well-paying writing career is pitifully tough, right? Guys, I was so wrong!
Nicki Said Copywriting Careers Were the Most High-Paying Writing Jobs in the Biz
I was turned off by “writing to sell stuff.” I hated salesy, scammy ads. But, that’s actually not what copywriting is about. It’s not scammy. It’s not intrusive.
Well, then what is copywriting?
Hella secure: Every business needs copywriters
Lucrative: We’re talking $100+/hr with $70K, $90K, $120K annually
Creative, yet tactful: Creativity that sparks major action and change
Meaningful and impactful: Customers and businesses come together for mutual benefit
I Paid Off the Course — and Profited $200 with My First Client
Things got real when I started taking clients. No one promised me I’d make a dollar, but within 5 months of taking the course, my income increased by 520%. And well… another student replaced her FT salary in 6 weeks.
Filthy Rich Writer FAQs
For more detailed answers straight from the source, go to the Filthy Rich Writer website.
Is Filthy Rich Writer Legit?
How can you compare the best online copywriting courses without taking all of them yourself? Before enrolling, I snooped around for other courses, just to see what was out there.
Ultimately, I purchased this one, and I’m exceptionally glad I did. Now that I’m out in the “real world” writing copy, it is totally apparent that most copywriters never get structured copy training - and they look like amateurs.
Compared to other copywriters, this course made me more well-rounded, more confident, more professional and more knowledgable about the field.
Clients have said that I stand out because of a great portfolio and my ability to offer high-level marketing insight (and so I get the gig).
How Much Does Filthy Rich Writer Cost?
Compared to other online copywriting courses that cost $1000s, Filthy Rich Writer is much more reasonable. Plus, you can pay all at once or in installments. Learn more here.
For me, this online copywriting course was the best investment in my career, ever. And I paid for college…
What’s in the Filthy Rich Writer Course? How Long Does it Take?
From the very first lesson, it was clear that Nicki was a master. I was learning from someone successful and relatable.
The course is self-paced. It took me 5 weeks to get through the core lessons and launch my business. But, many students do just 15 minutes per day.
The lessons were straightforward and easy to get through. You practice copy for real brands in the action sheets.
Want an overview of Filthy Rich Writer’s Comprehensive Copywriting Academy? Click here for course topics and details.
Do You Need Writing Experience Before Taking the Copywriting Course?
No, but you have to put in the work. It’s a new career, minus the tuition and years for a college degree!
Some students are writers, but others are SAH parents, corporate professionals, teachers, psychologists, jugglers… I was a healthcare professional who could never make what I can as a copywriter!
But you shouldn’t dread writing. The point is: Copywriting is writing, but it’s making connections and understanding what motivates people.
Want High-Paying Writing Clients? Filthy Rich Writer Goes Step-by-Step
Work for an ad agency, do freelance copywriting or on-staff writing.
Whichever path you take, this course gets you up-to-speed to write like a copywriter beyond your years!
Key Topics in the Course:
Master how to write copy
Know how to price your services
Learn how to set up your own, real business
Creating your online portfolio
Keep getting clients for steady income
My hard work and what I learned in this course is why I’m earning 520% more money right now. Watch this free video to see if you could be earning higher income and living on your own terms. Also, it’s got free tips!
Filthy Rich Writer Review
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