Best 6-Figure Copywriting Courses (2025 Roundup)

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Many online copywriting courses claim they can give you 6-figure results, but are any of them legit?

If you’ve been looking into online copywriting courses, you are absolutely doing the right thing. Copywriting is a great career choice, but it can be competitive, so enrolling in copywriting training is a great idea! 

Compared to learning copywriting on your own, taking a course is 100% worth the time, effort and money. You’ll learn the skills quickly, you’ll use all the right tactics from the start and you’ll be able to find well-paying clients sooner. 

But now, the real question is: Which is the best copywriting course? 

In this article, I’ll give you my thoughts on a few of the best copywriting courses that I have personally taken. I’ve been a copywriter since 2020 – and within 2 years, I became a 6-figure writer. So, I’ve had some time to take courses and see if they really paid off. 

As I continue to invest in more copywriting courses, I’ll add my notes here!

The Best Copywriting Courses Online  

When you do a quick search, you probably will find all sorts of websites claiming they’ve got the best copywriting course. But, I’d like to give you a few copywriting course reviews to help you better determine which is best for you. 

This post is meant to give you the quick and dirty of some of my favorite copywriting courses, but I’ll link to some of my full reviews, which you can read if interested!

Filthy Rich Writer’s Comprehensive Copywriting Academy

Spoiler: I actually loved this course. It was the first copywriting course that I ever took, and I feel like it gave me an exceptionally great foundation in copywriting. Worth every penny, especially since I personally made all my enrollment money back (plus $200 extra) once I took on my first client. 


Other students have even more impressive results, including a student named Chris who now travels around Europe and runs a copywriting agency at the same time. See Chris’s story here. 

But of course, as you might be too, I was a little unsure if I should join. I didn’t know why they called themselves “Filthy Rich Writer.” And, I had never paid for an online copywriting course before (or any digital course for that matter). 

Read this: My BIG Hesitations to Join the Filthy Rich Writer Copywriting Course

When I started taking my first jobs as a copywriter, it became crystal clear that I had a far better foundation than even some more experienced “copywriters,” as they called themselves. 

Clients loved the knowledge base I had, and I was able to conduct client calls like a professional from the start. This course is great if you want a comprehensive copywriting training where you learn how to write copy for all sorts of different projects. 

For more information about what you actually learn in the course, click here

Bottom Line: Is This a Good Course for Your 6-Figure Writer Dreams?

Filthy Rich Writer makes it absolutely clear that they cannot guarantee any sort of monetary results. But this is standard with digital courses. 

However, for me, what I learned in this particular online copywriting course did help me tremendously boost my income. And then, I’ve taken their “Next-Level Copywriting” course as well, which prepares you to scale your writing business and boost passive income.  

Read this: A Writer’s Transition Guide from Cheap Gigs to Amazing Income

So yes, I learned how to write copy. But I also learned some cold pitching basics, how to invoice and how to set up my portfolio site. All of these things are necessary to generate income for yourself as a writer. 

I even learned how to write copy for some profitable copywriting specialities like social media ads, email copywriting, banner ads and more. And I used these skills to create a 7-figure campaign for one of my clients. I currently spend most of my time writing for emails, social ads and PPC ads, which is in high demand and pays really well!

AWAI’s Accelerated Program for 6-Figure Copywriting

Love the name, right? But, does it give you the skills to become a 6-figure copywriter? I took this course a few years into my career because I kept seeing potential clients and social feeds talking about direct response copywriting

Every brand was looking for copywriters who could write direct response work because it’s profitable for them. And, while I’m not always thrilled by how AWAI promotes their own products, I decided to take this course because it offered direct response training. 

Read this: Is the AWAI Copywriting Course a Total Scam?

While I did learn valuable information in this course, I wish the coursework and educational materials were more concise. If you skip over all the fluff (including hand-copying historically high-performing ad copy), it’s a worthwhile course to take. You do learn direct response copywriting skills that would be helpful if a client approaches you for direct response work. 

For more information about what is included in this copywriting course, click here

Bottom Line: Is This a Good Course for Your 6-Figure Writer Dreams?

If you want to flourish within the direct response realm and market yourself as a direct response copywriter, this course will give you the skills (and perhaps the resume boost) you need to land jobs. 

I personally don’t make tons of money off of direct response projects like sales letters. However, I’m now seeing a massive need for video sales letter (VSL) copywriters. VSL projects would require some direct response skills and sales letter skills to be effective. I personally haven’t moved into this realm thus far, but I’m beginning to explore what’s possible with my current training. 

So, if you want some direct response sales letter training so you can modify it for the up-and-coming world of VSL copywriting, consider taking this course!  

The Best Free Copywriting Courses

If you’re not totally ready to dive into a paid copywriting course, then I highly suggest you check out some of my favorite free online copywriting courses!

Over the years, I’ve worked through some free copywriting courses online – and let me say this, some are complete vomit. I don’t want to name names… They’re unorganized, downright incorrect or not written for writers. They’re super baseline (and borderline common sense). 

So, basically, just because something is free, doesn’t mean you should actually utilize it. However, here are my recommendations for the best free copywriting courses. 

Filthy Rich Writer’s Free Copywriting Training Video

We talked about Filthy Rich Writer’s Comprehensive Copywriting Academy course above. But they also offer a free training video. Ultimately, you can watch it, take notes and then go about your day. 

The free training video is called: How to Get Started in Copywriting (Click here to watch!)

You’ll get tons of great (and inspiring) information, so I highly recommend you watch it!

Build Your Copywriting Business Podcast

This is an additional free copywriting training by Filthy Rich Writer. Can you see a theme here? Filthy Rich Writer clearly understands how to provide exceptional value, which is something that makes them stand out from the crowd. 

What I love most about their podcasts is that they cover very niched and specialized topics. Sure, they cover copywriting basics, but they also answer questions that only copywriters would have as they move through their careers. 

For example, take episode 131: “Can You Make $10K per Month with Copywriting?”

You’re not going to get the same kind of detail and specificity in other copywriting training. I’m telling you!

Copywriting Course’s Free Copywriting Course

A lesser-known website that has free copywriting training is Copywriting Course. They do have some membership options, but I found that their free copywriting course videos are short and to the point.

If you want the bare minimum, the absolute basics of copywriting. These videos are it. They're a little quirky, but you can get a small copywriting foundation by watching these videos, all of which take about 30 minutes in total. 

You won’t get any groundbreaking stuff, but it’s a great place to start. 

Udemy’s Copywriting Quick Start Course

If you have the free plan of Udemy, you can log into the website and get a mini free training about copywriting. While again, you won’t get anything groundbreaking, I do like that they show you a few tools to help with your writing. I actually use some of these tools in my writing work too!

This free copywriting course doesn’t really teach you how to write copy, but it can help you build up some resources to get you started. 

Amanda Kostro Miller

Amanda Kostro Miller is a copywriter and SEO content marketing writer with a track record of generating 7-figure sales and 200%+ KPI improvements for her clients. She has been writing professionally since 2017, starting in health and wellness but soon transitioning into B2B, DTC, ecommerce, SaaS, dental and more. She now focuses her work as a direct response copywriter and is also an SEO writing coach who teaches aspiring writers about expert SEO tactics.

8 of the Best Free Copywriting Courses for Beginners


A Student Review: Weighing the Filthy Rich Writer Cost